Vote for TaeTiSeo's 'Holler' on M!Countdown

The voting has begun for M!Countdown's rankings next week!

TaeTiSeo will be gunning for their first win, and we can help them do so by voting for them.

Voting is easy as all you need to do are...
2. Scroll down and look for TaeTiSeo, they are currently #16 on the list.
3. Put a mark on the option button beside their name, then scroll to the bottom, and click the button which says "VOTING".
4. If you don't have an account, you will then be asked to log-in with your Facebook or Twitter account, or register with your e-mail.
5. After that, just repeat Step 3, and this message will appear saying "You have completed voting process. You can vote once a day during the period".

*You can only vote once a day per account during the voting period which starts from Friday to Monday.  More info in the next picture~

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