We're up for a little bit more of TaeNy, following their cute SelCa pictures here. Check out the adorable photos from SNSD's TaeYeon and Tiffany below~
TaeYeon shared, "Girls' Generation best fan #GG #TheBestLive #TOKYODOME".
While Tiffany revealed, "#nomakeup -Taeyeon rocking the official goods cuff pride -Sooyoung FINAL MORNING MEETING one last meeting before rehearsals; members are holding the goods because they're so cute #capturethemoment #HONEYBUTTERCHIPSFORBREAKFAST"
"Taeyeon: [D-day] ‼️Girls' Generation The Best Live At Tokyo Dome #gg #1209"
"Tiffany: finally! #SHOWDAY see you soon #GGTOKYODOME #1209"
"Tiffany: #fanmade #TIPPACHAN arena bear #GGTOKYODOME"
"Tiffany: SUNNY&TIFFANY 's work charged before performing haha"
As a bonus, here are Taeyeon and Tiffany's beautiful SelCa pictures with a friend/fan.
Taeyeon and Tiffany's Instagram