SNSD's SooYoung and SHINee's Minho snap photos with other celebrities at the New York Fashion Week

SNSD's SooYoung and SHINee's Minho are both in New York to attend COACH's event at the New York Fashion Week.

They've met other celebrities along the way, and you can see who they are as you check out their pictures below~

"We are here! #CoachSpring2016 #ChoiTwins"

"With .Ciara She said "Annyeong Hasseyo" ;)
The coolest girl on the block! Your Korean is on point #ciara #CoachSpring2016 "

"With .chloegmoretz #CoachSpring2016#NYFW#Minho#sooyoung#chloemoretz"

SooYoung and Minho with Ariel Lin

To end the day, SooYoung also shared, "Sea of lights at dinner after an inspiring day with #CoachSpring2016 #sooyoung #coach".

Sooyoung's Instagram

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