Can you find the differences in f(x)'s latest group pictures?

Their promotions may be over but f(x)'s treat doesn't stop there!

Wanna play "Find the Difference"? Here you go, check out the latest pictures where f(x) tried to imitate the pictures from their '4 Walls' album~

"Amber: We got it right this time!!!"

"Bonus :)"

To wrap it up, Amber revealed, "Thank you guys always! Even though our promo ends today we arent "disappearing." Dont forget our concert is at the end of January!! LEGGOO".

Prior to this, Amber also shared, "we were tryna copy this but it was too small to see :( ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹"

Amber's Instagram

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