Wonder Girls' Lim is off for a vacation in Hong Kong!
Enjoying her free time, you can check out her adorable updates below~
"Water Bay #HongKong yesterday:) What a beautiful place!"
"I love you 언니~❤️ You know me so well and you always know what's best for me. You are generous, caring, loving, and we always have the best time together! Thank you always! #cousin #sisters"
"I look so focused on the books of love n relationship,
but I ended up buying some other books instead. Keke #books #love #hobby"
"I like large windows."
"#lights #love #beautiful Feels like I'm in a fairytale."
"Clear Water Bay #clearwaterbay #HongKong"
"#tsimshatsui #HongKong Such a beautiful sight!"
"My fav..❤️ #cheese #bread"
Lastly, Lim also shared another adorable childhood photo.
Lim's Instagram