After revealing more teaser pictures, TaeTiSeo has now released the full track list and info about their 'Dear Santa' mini-album which will be released on December 4.
'Dear Santa' will include six tracks, the two will be the English and Korean version of 'Dear Santa', a smooth R&B song which will feature the lyrics written by SeoHyun.
The third track would be 'Merry Christmas', a song which expresses sitting around a fireplace before Christmas with people you love & praying for a happy approaching new year.
Next up would be 'I Like The Way', a Pop song with charming cheerful rhythm accompanied by drums, bass, electronic guitar and exciting brass.
The fifth track would be 'Winter Story', a sweet ballad with TaeTiSeo's emotional vocals with simple accompaniment of an acoustic guitar.
To complete the mini-album, their 6th track would be 'First Snow', an exciting pop song that makes you feel the anticipation of year-end with flashy sounds of organ, brass, synthesizer.

Track list:
1 Dear Santa (Kor)
2. Dear Santa ( Eng)
3. Merry Christmas
4. I Like The Way
5. Winter Story
6. First Snow
Being a Christmas album, they also revealed that part of the records sales will go to SM and UNICEF's 'SMile for U' campaign which focuses for music education for children in Asia.
SM Entertainment