On behalf of the other SNSD members, SooYoung visited the set of Yuri's drama 'Local Hero' today.
SooYoung came to deliver SNSD's coffee support, and here are the pictures which Yuri happily shared~
"Yuri: From. SNSD 👯👯👯👯 Reliable, guys #UnexpectedInsult
#RevengeIsMine #SummoningPhotoSupplier #TaeyeonComeOut
#BecauseSooyoungCameStaffWasSmiling #Jealousy"
*Banner Says: "Thank you for filming our Yuri so that she looks white"
"Yuri: Coffee support from cheeky friends #BF #SNSD #LocalHero #WhenSooyoungVisitedStaffHadGummySmiles"
"SooYoung: #AssistingActressFriend #FightingLocalHero
#DrinkLotsLightingDirector ✨#SincerelySNSD ♥"
"SooYoung: Coffee support from cheeky friends ☕️
#HaveStrengthBaeWriter ❤️#LocalHero 👮🏻#ActressYuri 👍"
Yuri and Sooyoung's Instagram