TaeTiSeo updates with their adorable clips and pictures from LA

TaeTiSeo has arrived!

For those who can't go to the 2016 KCON in LA, here they are sharing the fun from the backstage.  Check out their adorable updates below~

"SeoHyun: Thank you so much to all of our fans who came out to KCON~~🎤 You guys were awesome!!!!💘 Thanks to all of you we'll remember this night forever😄IT WAS *LIT*hahaha😆chu chu💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 #TTS #KCON"

"SeoHyun: Our Fany unnie~~♡Happy Birthday!!!!💘💕💖💗💓💞all she wants is Princess cake🎂heheheI'm really happy that I can celebrate unnie's birthday together like this~~ HeheOur Fany unnie who is overflowing with bright energy~ Let's play excitedly tomorrow~~!!!!Today Is Your Day!!😚I looooooooove u my sis Fany unnie❤"

"TaeYeon: Happy birthday 💋 Lovely Ppanyah #801 #AmericanFriend"

TaeTiSeo's Instagrams

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