TaeTiSeo has arrived!
For those who can't go to the 2016 KCON in LA, here they are sharing the fun from the backstage. Check out their adorable updates below~
"SeoHyun: Thank you so much to all of our fans who came out to KCON~~🎤 You guys were awesome!!!!💘 Thanks to all of you we'll remember this night forever😄IT WAS *LIT*hahaha😆chu chu💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 #TTS #KCON"
"SeoHyun: Our Fany unnie~~♡Happy Birthday!!!!💘💕💖💗💓💞all she wants is Princess cake🎂heheheI'm really happy that I can celebrate unnie's birthday together like this~~ HeheOur Fany unnie who is overflowing with bright energy~ Let's play excitedly tomorrow~~!!!!Today Is Your Day!!😚I looooooooove u my sis Fany unnie❤"
"TaeYeon: Happy birthday 💋 Lovely Ppanyah #801 #AmericanFriend"
TaeTiSeo's Instagrams