Read SNSD SeoHyun's interview from InStyle's February issue

After seeing her charming photos, it's now time to read SNSD SeoHyun's beautiful mind.

Here is her interview from InStyle's February issue where she shared some insights during her album preparation~

The maknae of the girl group that captured numerous hearts has now become a woman. This is the story about Girls' Generation's Seohyun, who has made a comeback with her first solo album since debuting 10 years ago. After quietly walking down this path for a not-so-short time, she's become stronger and a lot more relaxed than before. Seohyun, leading her own life, only seemed bright today.

INSTYLE: This is your first solo album after debuting 10 years ago.
SeoHyun: My heart's fluttering. I've been the maknae of Girls' Generation until now. There are still a lot of people who think I'm young, and like a young girl. I wanted to get rid of that stereotype.

INSTYLE: Who is the song for?
SeoHyun: The biggest theme is love. Within that, I tried to melt in the various emotions women feel about love. When you're in love, you can be happy, but also get hurt, feel anger, and go through a number of emotions. Most of the songs represent those type of women's feelings.

INSTYLE: I heard you took part in writing the lyrics.
SeoHyun: There are a total of 7 songs on the album, and I wrote the lyrics for 6 of them myself. To be honest, just because it's my album, it doesn't mean that the lyrics I write get chosen. It goes through a blind test, and can only be shown into the world if it gets chosen as the best lyrics. I kept making attempts for a while, but I think my level of determination was different because it was for my own first solo album. I gritted my teeth while writing them. As one song, and another were chosen, I started getting greedier. It was to the point where I thought, 'do I have to turn into a songwriter', while preparing my album. (laughs

INSTYLE: Then, did you do any studying on songwriting?
SeoHyun: I've always liked writing. Such as journals or memos. I write the emotions I feel at that moment in my notebook. When writing lyrics, I usually write them based on my emotions or imaginations, but I don't only write about my experiences. There are times where lyrics come to mind after hearing a melody, too.

INSTYLE: Was there any person who gave you strength while preparing for your comeback?
SeoHyun: My parents and fans. My parents don't always tell me good things. There are a lot of times where I feel hurt, but after some time passes, it becomes a moment where I reflect on myself. They're like a kind of stimulant. I'm always grateful to fans. It's not an easy job loving someone unconditionally. There are still a lot of times where I'll fall asleep while reading letters from fans.

INSTYLE: Is there something that you'd like the general public to know through this album?
SeoHyun: I think the most important part of it is reflecting my life. Just until a moment ago, lots of people recall 'young girl' or 'maknae' when you say my name. They remember me during my debut days 10 years ago. It's a pity. Honestly, for 10 years, I've experienced many changes and have grown. I wanted to share how I've gradually changed in appearance and life through this album.

INSTYLE: 10 years isn't a short amount of time. What do you think is the biggest thing that's changed?
SeoHyun: As time goes on, I think I've become more relaxed. I think that some degree of stress is stimulating, but if it's excessive, it becomes like duress. I think I've been able to control that quickly now.

INSTYLE: From a musical to acting, I think it wouldn't be enough even if there were 10 of you. Which area of work do you have the most interest in?
SeoHyun: It's difficult picking just one. Each of them have their own charms. As a singer, I feel joy when I show a different side of myself that the general public can recall. At first, I thought a fixed image was the biggest handicap for me, but I think it can be a good thing.

INSTYLE: Is there a type of character that you want to be/show?
SeoHyun: An idiot/fool. I think I could play that type of role really well. People who know me in real life say I'm somewhat like that.

INSTYLE: Speaking of characters, is there a cartoon character that you like lately?
SeoHyun: There aren't any now. I still have Keroro stickers and dolls that I collected back then. (laughs)

InStyle Magazine

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