Girls Generation SeoHyun covers IU, Mamamoo and 10cm

snsd seohyun cover

How are you doing everyone? We hope you are doing fine!

If not, SNSD's SeoHyun is here to cheer everyone up with her angelic voice.  Watch her next clip covering the songs from IU, Mamamoo and 10cm.

That was soothing, right?  Just look at SeoHyun's dog calmly listening to her songs.

The first song which she covered was 'Blueming' by IU, followed by 10cm's 'My Eyes', 'Love Lane' by Mamamoo and to top it all, SeoHyun sang 'What the Spring' by 10cm.

If ever, what song would you like for her to cover next?  While looking forward to that, you may want to see SNSD and IU's reactions to SeoHyun's song covers here.

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