SNSD TaeYeon post heartwarming message for her Father

snsd taeyeon instagram

SNSD TaeYeon continues to show love for her Father who recently passed away.

On her Instagram, TaeYeon expressed, "I will keep you deep inside my heart. My dear father." Along with that bittersweet message was a photo of her Father in his younger years where he is seen fondly recording a video of TaeYeon.

SNSD TaeYeon Father

On TaeYeon's post, SNSD's SooYoung also commented, "Father, we love you."

It's really heartbreaking how this happened on TaeYeon's birthday.  Let's all continue to pray that Taeyeon finds strength and love from her family, friends and her supporters♥

Here are more of TaeYeon's heartwarming pictures with her Father/Family.

SNSD TaeYeon Father

SNSD TaeYeon Father
TaeYeon's Family♥

SNSD TaeYeon Family

TaeTiseo with TaeYeon Father and Mother
TaeTiSeo with TaeYeon's Parents♥

Taeyeon's Instagram

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