From cute, pure and romantic to fierce and edgy real quick!
That's SNSD's SeoHyun for you, and here she is with her new promotional videos for the fashion brand 'it MICHAA'~
Seohyun's video greeting for 'it MICHAA' 3rd Anniversary
Seohyun's video greeting for 'it MICHAA' 3rd Anniversary
Gotta love Seohyun's versatility, right? You can view her photos from 'it MICHAA' here, and below is just a sample of what you would be missing if you don't.
We are really loving the fierce and edgy style on Seohyun. If they ever plan to make a Korean version of Mulan, we think she would be a great choice. We all know she can wield a sword as we have seen from 'Moon Lovers' before.
You can also go here for Seohyun's 'it MICHAA' pictures.