SNSD's big-hearted YoonA graces 'Big Issue' magazine

SNSD YoonA Big Issue Magazine Donation

A goddess with a big heart, that's SNSD's YoonA for you!

YoonA is gracing the 227th release of 'Big Issue' magazine in Korea, and behind this issue, it has been revealed that she will be donating all the fees she would have received to support the homeless or those in risk of being homeless.

In her interview, YoonA shared, "Around May 30, I always had a birthday party with fans, but this year, I’m not able to do so. I thought what could be meaningful and I thought of ‘Big Issue’. When you give, more love comes to you. My fans do good work under my name, I’m so thankful for them".

SNSD YoonA Big Issue Magazine Donation

If you would like to buy this magazine, you can buy it from Yes24.

SNSD YoonA Big Issue Magazine Donation

SNSD YoonA Big Issue Magazine Donation

Girls'Generation, Big Issue Magazine

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