Teaser for Hyoyeon and Bora's 'Unnie's Beauty Carpool' revealed!

 SNSD Hyoyeon Unnie's Beauty Carpool with Bora

A new show for SNSD's Hyoyeon?  Yes it is!

Her new show is titled 'Unnie's Beauty Carpool' and she will be joined by her co-host who is no other  Bora.  

We know it's gonna be a lot of fun but to give you an idea on what to expect from this show, you can now watch their teaser below~

SNSD Hyoyeon Unnie's Beauty Carpool with Bora

SNSD Hyoyeon Unnie's Beauty Carpool with Bora

SNSD Hyoyeon Unnie's Beauty Carpool with Bora

Hyoyeon and Bora's 'Unnie's Beauty Carpool' will air its first episode on January 8!

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