SNSD's 13th anniversary video greeting and pictures!

Happy 13th Anniversary SNSD!

With that, here's the gift that we have all been waiting for.  It's no other than Girls' Generation's latest group picture which they took during Tiffany's birthday party~

Here's their clip and picture where Tiffany expressed, "13 summers ago i remember blowing out the candles & thanking god for bringing each & every one of you into my life. no matter how far apart or how long it’s been, it always feels like we’re picking up right where we left off. i am SO grateful for our journey together & especially our sisterhood. blessed to have such incredible women & 소원 to grow stronger & wiser TOGETHER each year. thank you from the bottom of my heart for the unconditional faith & love you show.  Thank you for always letting me anticipate more and dream. Now, in the future, forever, I love SNSD and SONE... Sincere congratulations on the 13th anniversary, I love you💗"

Yuri: "I really like that we’ve all gathered^^" / "With the names of SNSD and SONE, thank you sincerely for making my youth shine brilliantly, members and fans.. It’s only the 13th anniversary so let’s not let go of our two hands that we are holding and be together at the 20th, 30th anniversaries"

Taeyeon: "It’s SNSD’s 13th anniversary💗Thank you and congratulations to S♡NE who were with us through this long time and members who I love. It reminds me that I have so many people to share the various emotions that I feel as I live, it’s so precious to me and I’m thankful.  Soshi does not have end so let’s cheers to the happy days that will greet us going forward💗 I will spend today well with thankfulness on my mind. SONE and Soshi, let’s be happy #GirlsGeneration13thAnniversary #13yearswithSONE".

Sunny: "SNSD-yah~ Truly congratulations on 13th anniversary!!!!SONE who’ve been with us.. Thank you~ Thanks to you, we are happily and enjoyably walking a path that can sometimes be rough!! Continue to be by our side~ Our youth, our overwhelming happiness. Everyone’s SNSD♡ SNSD who I’m more thankful for than anyone, and SONE♡. Going forward, let’s continue continue to be together for a long, long time~!!!"

Seohyun: "Today is the 13th year that we have been together❤ The most brilliant moments of my life were with unnies and SONE. Thank you and I love you lots and lots, let’s be forever💖"

Sooyoung: "13th summer we greet together, I’m thankful to have my people who are still by my side❤️I hope shouts of #NowInTheFutureAndForeverSNSD will comfort the hearts of those who miss us, and we will ensure that you feel thankful to have liked SNSD next year too🥰"

YoonA: "Thank u for the sweetest memories of our 13 years together.Girls' Generation & SONE, we are one and the same💗"

Hello, Seohyun from 13 years.

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