SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11 (Recap)

 SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

  'HUSH' Episode 11 

 "3 min... 3 year curry."

It's still a guessing game whether Jun Hyuk has really betrayed his colleagues or not.  During this time, Jisoo and her colleagues will continue with their original plan.

SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

Meanwhile, Jun Hyuk's plan to make the 'No Gain, No Pain' a platform where employees can post their rants or problems with their employers begins to materialize.  An employer "wielding a knife" at his part-time worker who wishes to resign becomes a hot topic and Jisoo will be the one assigned to cover the story.

SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

There are always two side to every story but as expected, people were hasty to take sides.  Jisoo and Kyungwoo will interview both the employer and the part-timer to find out the truth.

SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

Later on in the episode, Jisoo and Jun Hyuk will meet a cafe.  Jisoo is still unsure about his real intentions but as her senior, Jun Hyuk will advise her to not put any emotions and just write solid facts about the issue that she is currently covering.

SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

Jisoo and Kyungwoo both write their articles regarding the "knife-wielding employer" but in the end, their Chief chose to publish the one with more aggressive take about story.

The developments after the said article has been published will be drastic and it will remind Jisoo about what happened to her Father seven years ago.

SNSD Yoona's 'HUSH' Episode 11

 Will it have the same ending or will Jisoo be able to stop it from happening again?

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